About the Book

Journey to Success: A Systematic Review by Dr. Eunice Moseley

There is so much in life going on right now and it’s hard for some to see their way forward, but this book will show them—step by step. Journey to Success: A Systematic Review explores the concept of achieving success methodically, using empirical data showing how, as well as the author’s personal life experiences of overcoming setbacks and adversity, which allows the reader to see that data in action, relate, and practice.

The purpose of the book is to inspire and motivate the readers to not give up when faced with obstacles, but instead to reflect on past successful experiences (“and we all have them from as way back as learning to walk”) and use those experiences to problem-solve their way to overcoming adversity. Readers will be able to relate to what the author has discovered in her journey of successes and put in practice in their current situations, using the resources that they have available. This book is unique in the sense that the author provides scientific data to support her assertions based on her experiences, and empirical data to support the overcoming techniques she has developed.

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